a desert-inspired color palette

colors from "Desert Rain" - a painting by Laurie Anne Art

I can’t take any credit for this morning’s delightful desert color combo - that was allll Laurie Anne Art and her painting titled “Desert Rain” (which you can find here). I’ve been a fan of her work for a while now, and even have this print up in our home.

I have a vague memory of one of my elementary school teachers asking us, “What do you think of when you think of a desert?” Answers included: “sand, dryness, feeling hot” and even “death.” The teacher went on to explain how much life there is in a desert environment. I think about this every time I see a photo or painting of a desert now. I also think back to when I camped at Joshua Tree with a college friend and how, as soon as the sun went down and we zipped up our tent, we were surrounded by the pitter-patter of animals. It was like an alarm went off and they all came out to party. We couldn’t see them, but it was noisier in the middle of that desert than it was in the forest of Yosemite.

Getting back to Laurie Anne’s painting…I love the mix of lush desert greens, peachy sand, and blue-hued shadows.

Calm, cool, and [anything but] quiet.

Here are a couple other favorites from Laurie Anne Art using similar colors:

For deeper greens + gray tones:

"Big Sur" by Laurie Anne Art

“Big Sur” by Laurie Anne Art

For more blues:

"Sage Brush" by Laurie Anne Art

“Sage Brush” by Laurie Anne Art

My dream is to own one of her originals one day. I told Andrew that once we get the girls through school I’m going to spend all of our money on original art. :)

Happy Friday!

You can now download a free printable PDF of this color palette that includes values for print (CMYK) and web (HEX, RGB, HSL) - as well as the closest Pantone matches for coated and uncoated stock! It’s everything you need to recreate this color combo on your own.

Looking for more inspiration?

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Nikki Mihalik

Hi! I’m Nikki, the Creative Director and Principal Designer at Akula Kreative, a branding + print + web design studio based in Houston, Texas. Over the past 17 years, I have branded hundreds of businesses, from seven-figure-start-ups to one-woman-shows. I am obsessed with design, passionate about paper goods, and love to create beautiful, intentional brands that allow busy entrepreneurs to hustle less and play more.


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