a natural, eucalyptus-inspired color palette

What color is “eucalyptus?” If you’ve googled this before, you’re not alone. My previous eucalyptus-inspired color palette has remained one of my top 3 posts since it was published in 2017! Eucalyptus (the color) is a soft green with blue and gray undertones. Some people call it “silvery” while others prefer “smoky.” There’s also the question of, “Is it green, or is it blue?” In my opinion, it can skew green AND it can skew blue, depending on the light and individual leaf.

If your goal is to create a natural, honest, and earthy color palette—and you can’t decide between blue and green—perhaps eucalyptus is the answer!

Fun Fact :: I grew up in a town FILLED with [non-native] eucalyptus trees. They were planted by the Santa Fe Railway in 1906 because they were thought to be the perfect wood for railroad ties. Since importing the wood from Australia would be too expensive, the Railway purchased 9,000 acres of land in Southern California and covered it in seedlings. Unfortunately, the vast majority of the trees died from not getting enough water, and it was discovered that eucalyptus wood was, in fact, NOT ideal for railroad ties.

Need to see the colors in action?

Here they are applied to a letterpress label mock-up using a simple and modern custom logo I designed a few years back:

letterpress label in eucalyptus green and tan

Happy Friday!

You can now download a free printable PDF of this color palette that includes values for print (CMYK) and web (HEX, RGB, HSL) - as well as the closest Pantone matches for coated and uncoated stock! It’s everything you need to recreate this color combo on your own.

Looking for more inspiration?

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Nikki Mihalik

Hi! I’m Nikki, the Creative Director and Principal Designer at Akula Kreative, a branding + print + web design studio based in Houston, Texas. Over the past 17 years, I have branded hundreds of businesses, from seven-figure-start-ups to one-woman-shows. I am obsessed with design, passionate about paper goods, and love to create beautiful, intentional brands that allow busy entrepreneurs to hustle less and play more.


a serene, desert-sky-inspired color palette


a whimsical, 2025-inspired color palette