a canyon-inspired color palette

Today’s bold, berry colored palette is inspired by a photo of Antelope Canyon by Peter Secan. (You can find the original image here.) In his description, he writes, “Among the hundreds of Instagrammers and bits of falling sand, I managed to snag one good picture…” Le sigh. This place has been on my bucket list for ages, but the last thing I want to do is stand shoulder-to-shoulder with people while trying to soak in the scenery. (Honestly…does anyone NOT have a love-hate relationship with social media these days?)

I know you’re being bombarded with content from all directions, so my hope is that these color palettes inspire you and bring you joy.

Oh! Something else might make you happy, too…

Any guesses???

You can now download a free printable PDF of this color palette that includes values for print (CMYK) and web (HEX, RGB, HSL) - as well as the closest Pantone matches for coated and uncoated stock! It’s everything you need to recreate this color combo on your own. Huzzah!

Happy Friday!

Looking for more inspiration?

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Nikki Mihalik

Hi! I’m Nikki, the Creative Director and Principal Designer at Akula Kreative, a branding + print + web design studio based in Houston, Texas. Over the past 17 years, I have branded hundreds of businesses, from seven-figure-start-ups to one-woman-shows. I am obsessed with design, passionate about paper goods, and love to create beautiful, intentional brands that allow busy entrepreneurs to hustle less and play more.


an Italian-balcony-inspired color palette


A Velvet-Inspired Christmas Color Palette