branding Nikki Mihalik branding Nikki Mihalik

6 Secret Signs It’s Time to Rebrand

You know you’re definitely in the zip code of a visual rebrand, if not knocking on the front door of one, when the following starts to happen: 1) You’re not quite capturing the attention of the client you want to serve; 2) You’re experiencing ‘style drift’…

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branding Nikki Mihalik branding Nikki Mihalik

12 Brand Strategy Questions to Level Up Your Business

Before we dive into HOW and WHEN to brand your business, it’s imperative we ask ourselves :: What, exactly, is branding?

Branding is, in one word, your reputation. It’s the unspoken introduction to your product or service. You won’t always be around to pitch to potential customers, so it’s important your branding makes the BEST first impression possible.

Seth Godin writes, “A brand is the set of expectations, memories, stories, and relationships that, taken together, account for a consumer’s decision to choose one product or service over another.”

Yep. Highlight that part about accounting for a “consumer’s decision to choose one product or service over another.” THIS is why you need to care about branding. Without effective branding, people won’t know what you’re selling or why it’s worth their time or money.

Denise Lee Yohn gives us a simple equation that we’ll explore below…

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